DigitalChalk Help Center

DigitalChalk: Issuing and Managing Assignments in DigitalChalk

event March 26, 2024 inbox_text Office Hours

This session featured Assignments in DigitalChalk.

There are situations when you might want to provide additional reading or work outside of the flow of a course. Just like a teacher can issue homework to be completed outside of the classroom, you can add Assignments to enhance your courses.

In this video, we showed an array of potential use cases for the Assignment element type and answer questions such as:

●What are the various configuration options when setting up an Assignment?

●Are there advantages (or disadvantages) for each configuration?

●Do you want to include a completion response for learners to indicate they’ve read the material? Or do you want to require a written response that is evaluated or graded?

●Can you apply rules to manage the process?

Learn to leverage supplemental reading and related materials as part of your DigitalChalk workflow. Assignments are also a great way to eliminate the need to share attachments directly with learners that can get blocked by email filters or be misplaced along the way.

By Carrie Brown
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