DigitalChalk Help Center

DigitalChalk: Data Migration & Management

event October 15, 2024 inbox_text Office Hours

This session featured Data Migration and Management.

Is your data management a boon or bane? With the right data fields, rules, selections and more, data management should be a thorough, fluid process. But if something’s amiss, your data may not move where intended; it could select the wrong people, or omit people or fields that should be grabbed.

You should be able to trust the data you move, migrate, and import. This session is a refresher on all things data migration, including:

● moving user data,

● importing registrations, and

● updating user data in bulk.

This video will feature best practices, tips, and tricks for doing some tasks more efficiently while also helping to shape how you view and approach your overall data management in DigitalChalk.

By Carrie Brown
At DigitalChalk we seek to improve lives through the Power of Knowledge. If you have any questions, or comments, please reach out to