DigitalChalk Help Center

DigitalChalk: Video Elements

event January 23, 2024 inbox_text Office Hours

This session focused on Video Elements in DigitalChalk.

Since our inception, one of the hallmarks of DigitalChalk has been our focus on allowing you to incorporate video into your courses. Our video players have continued to evolve and last year, we introduced the Video Element type to give you more choices and greater control over your videos.

Video Element types have unique advantages, such as the ability to directly upload caption files and edit captions as well as greater cross-platform compatibility.

So when should you use the Video Element type as opposed to a video within a Chalkboard? In this session we compared Video Element type functionality with the Chalkboard to help you choose. 

By Carrie Brown
At DigitalChalk we seek to improve lives through the Power of Knowledge. If you have any questions, or comments, please reach out to